Currently, the average economically justified price assessing working conditions of one workplace is 2, 5 - 4 thousand rubles.
At the same time, an increase in the price, taking into account the complexity of the workplace (from a simple stationary work station without the use of equipment to a complex non-stationary workplace, in the evaluation of which it is required to measure the maximum one-time or medium-term concentration of several chemicals), from an average economically justified price, can become a threefold .
The reduction in the cost of a SOSC below the economically justified significantly increases the risk of poor-quality service delivery, leads to the fact that at the stage of contract signing, the assessment of workplaces is carried out according to a "simplified scheme" that does not meet the established requirements (refusal to measure production factors or "paper" measurement , Evaluation without examination and other simplifications).
The result of this "evaluation" is the formally written documents that do not reflect the real state of affairs, and are easily refuted during the state examination of working conditions, as there is every reason to assume that the special assessment of working conditions is performed with gross violations of the current Methodology for carrying out a special assessment of working conditions.
Экономически обоснованные расходы организации на оказание услуги по оценке условий труда могут быть определены расчетно – нормативным методом на основе данных бухгалтерского учета. При этом, необходимо учитывать совокупность расходов, связанных с оказанием услуги, включая: проезд и проживание сотрудников организации к месту проведения СОУТ, затраты на измерения и оценки факторов производственной среды, оформление и подготовку отчёта о СОУТ и на проведение других функций и задач, предусмотренных Методикой проведения специальной оценки условий труда, утверждённой приказом Минтруда России от 24.01.2014 г. №33н, и другими нормативными актами, регулирующими деятельность по проведению СОУТ
The explicit understatement of the cost of the service for assessing the working conditions of the workplace by more than 30% of the market average may indicate a formal, or with gross violations or fictitious conduct of the SWOT.
In this case, it is necessary to check the implementation of visits for the implementation of contractual relations for the conduct of a special assessment of working conditions. Compare the data on concluded contracts and expenses for the movement of personnel in the form of accounting documents (travel documents, travel sheets, payment of travel expenses, etc.).
Information on the economically justified price of SOUT from the national society of "Auditors of the labor sphere".
The self-regulatory organization adopted standard SRT 82482721.201 - 2011 "Provision of services in the field of labor protection. The definition of labor and the methodology for calculating the cost of providing services for the assessment of working conditions. General requirements "regulates the basic principles, general requirements and a unified procedure for calculating the economically justified costs of the evaluating organization associated with the provision of services for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, establishes the labor costs for performing the functions and tasks of the evaluating organization provided for by the current Federal Law of December 28, 2014 No. 426-FZ "On a special assessment of working conditions", and establishes general principles for the formation of the contract price for the provision of this service.
The standard was developed for the purpose of justifying by the organization conducting the special evaluation of the working conditions the requirements for material and technical and labor resources, the terms of implementation and the price of the contract for the provision of services. As a source of information on the price of the service, depending on the complexity of the workplace, and also for the reasonable choice of the evaluating organization, the standard can be used by the customer of the service. The text of the standard is posted on the official website of the self-regulating organization in the section About Partnership - Partnership Documents.
According to the calculations performed on the basis of the standard, and based on the results of the reports of organizations evaluating the working conditions of the members of the Partnership, the average economically justified price for a particular relatively simple workplace is 2.5-4 thousand rubles strong>. At the same time, the spread of an economically justified price, taking into account the complexity of the workplace (from a simple stationary workstation without the use of equipment to a complex non-stationary workplace, which requires the measurement of the maximum single or medium-term concentration of several chemicals) can become triple.
On the fact of work performed by organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions in 2014, the average cost of a special estimate of one workplace is 1,900 to 3,495 rubles, depending on the federal district of the Russian Federation, with an average price for the Russian Federation of 2,404 rubles. The spread of the maximum cost of a SSC of one workplace in different federal districts is 3500-15200 rubles.
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